Top 10 Expert Salesforce CTA Tips

Top 10 Expert Salesforce CTA Tips Below are my list of top 10 tips for the Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) exam as published in the Salesforce Architects Trailblazer Community . CTA Pro Tip Number 1 A good architect is always confident and self assured, but remains honest to their knowledge. Present your solution confidently in the review boards, but also be honest on where you may have a knowledge gap. 'I'll get back to you on that', is always better than a white lie :-). And secondly, confidence in delivery of your presentation is half the battle so make sure you deliver your solution with faith, conviction and confidence. CTA Pro Tip Number 2 This one relates to large data volumes and LDV management. It will sound common sense but a lot of people still architect this incorrectly. Typically speaking objects with a volume > 1M records can be considered an LDV object.. As a CTA, it's really important to know and be able to arcitulate what p...